
Showing posts from November, 2022

How do You Test for Colorless Substances in Chromatography?

  How Do You Test For Colorless Substances In Chromatography? by  Anchrom Lab   Thin Layer Chromatography/High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography is suitable for detection of organic and nonvolatile compounds. There are many compounds which do not have chromophoric group therefore we can not see them with naked eyes. Sometimes these compounds have UV/fluorescence. Such compounds can be detected by using suitable instrument like UV cabinet or CAMAG visualizer which can detect compounds in short UV i.e., 254nm, long UV i.e., 366nm and white light or if any compound is not UV active, a technique of derivatization can be used to make them visible. UV detection, spectra and derivatization are powerful tools which helps in detection of colorless substances in  High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography technique. How colorless substances are analyzed by HPTLC? HPTLC is a stepwise technique. One has to follow certain sequence while doing analysis. First step is applicati...