What is the purpose of chromatography in biological research?


Chromatography is used to separate mixtures. This separation technique is important to life science industry. It is used to identify and quantify the metabolites such as pigments, proteins, blood samples, viscera samples. Varied chromatographic techniques are available.

HPTLC is a versatile technique which can be used in wide area of applications. Low-cost HPTLC is the major reason why chromatographers are switching to HPTLC.


Let us learn about the HPTLC chromatography application in biological studies.

Biological studies include analysing compounds such as amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, bile acids, vitamins, in blood samples, urine samples and viscera samples.  

Sample preparation is the main step. Removing interferences is important and crucial step of any chromatographic analysis. HPTLC proves to be right choice for such analysis. We can change as many HPTLC layers (stationary phase) as we want as they are disposable.

HPTLC can be used to identify and quantify amino acids samples in various matrices. For example, amino acids were isolated and identified from fresh coconut water and preserved market samples.

HPTLC has applications in vitamins analysis from animal and plant sources. For example, vitamin- D identification and quantification from fish oils.

Human viscera and blood samples can be analysed by HPTLC for detection of pesticides or any other drugs.


Anchrom Enterprises has developed and worked with many Scientists from all over India for HPTLC applications in Forensic Science.

It is India-specific HPTLC Applications Research Centre based in Mumbai. Please contact us at lab@anchrom.in


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