HPTLC Fingerprinting
High Performance Thin Layer chromatography is a versatile technique with applications in herbals, food, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals. What is HPTLC Fingerprinting? HPTLC Fingerprinting is the representation of the phytochemical composition of a plant extract or formulation, in the form of an image at 254nm, 366nm and white light. It is a sequence of peaks or zones of a chromatogram specific for a sample. United States Pharmacopoeia definition of HPTLC Fingerprint is “It is the electronic image of the visual HPTLC chromatogram.” HPTLC fingerprint is evaluated based on Rf, colour and relative intensity of bands in the electronic image. For comparison BRM (Botanical Reference Material) is used. If BRM is not available a sample can be collected from the field/market sample is sent to recognized botanical institute e.g., NBRI Lucknow, Agharkar Research Institute Pune, Botanical survey of India western circle Pune. etc. for authentication and that can be used as BRM...