HPTLC Installation training

 This blog will cover the installation training process which is done right after the system is installed by our service team. 

Post installation done by service engineers, to use the instrument for performance is taught by specially trained application specialists from Anchrom. HPTLC installation training is an important step to educate the analyst and operators to use the system for their specific purpose. The training duration depending on the configuration of HPTLC system is given for one day to one week.

Anchrom provides two types of HPTLC training. First one is Installation training which is given right after the system is installed. Another one is on-site training which is provided on request of customers.

After discussion with Anchrom & customer, a mutually convenient date is fixed and an official setup is done with email communication. Post this, our specialized trained application specialists visit the customers lab for the training.

Firstly, the lab chemist will present the technical staff with all the basics of HPTLC. He/she will explain all the technical terms. Once the theory part is completed, we move towards hands-on training. visionCATS software functions are demonstrated. How to use the software is an important step which is necessary to learn before conducting analysis. visionCATS is easy to learn and use.

An analysis is performed in front of the customer. All types of analysis are explained to the customer.

For example, we provide training on CAMAG test dye. How to quantify the substance is demonstrated. Furthermore, customers can ask their samples to be tested by the HPTLC system. Lab person makes sure the technical staff learns HPTLC and can use it on his own. Customer satisfaction is ensured by us.

Installation report is generated and signed by the concerned authority after the customer is satisfied with the training. 


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