TLC/HPTLC Fingerprinting Analysis Of Cyperus Rotundus (Linn.)
What Is HPTLC Fingerprinting ? High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) is a modern version of TLC wherein the principle is the same but practice is different. HPTLC is GLP/USP/EP compliant technique . USP’s (United States Pharmacopoeia) definition of HPTLC fingerprint is ‘It is the ( electronic ) image of the visual HPTLC chromatogram. Images are taken at 254nm, 366nm and in white light using suitable TLC photo docsystemstion system like CAMAG visualizer . Fingerprint is evaluated based on Rf, color and intensity of the separated bands. While developing fingerprint our aim should be to separate maximum number of compound with good resolution. For fingerprint development, BRM (Botanical Reference Material) and other related or confounding species are used for comparison. The same species of interest from different geographical or climatic conditions are also used to check variation in the samples. C. rotundus is a traditional herbal medicine i.e. used for the treat...